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Comparative Analysis of Spray Foam

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Atlanta's Premier Spray Foam Insulation Source
How Spray Foam Insulation Provides a More Energy Efficient Home:

Buildings with spray foam insulation routinely perform 30-70% better than traditional insulation materials.  Creating an air barrier with spray foam is the smart solution for those concerned about energy efficiency or those tired of their cooling systems not keeping pace with the summer heat. The insulation virtually eliminates the largest source of energy loss in the average home - the 30 to 40% typically lost through air leakage. With traditional insulation materials, HVAC professionals typically need to install larger units which cost more to install and operate.  Bottom line is that heating and cooling a foam insulation home typically costs 30-50% less than your average home. Not only that, you will feel more comfortable during the long Chicagoland summer.

Why Using Spray Foam Insulation is Environmentally Friendly Way to Insulate Your Home:

Many homes constructed within the last 10 or so years have already experienced major failures due to things like water damage and air leakage across the building envelope. This has caused condensation and mold growth. Now, building specialist are showcasing the benefits of using effective air barriers for homeowners. Air barriers significantly reduce random air leakage, conserving up to 40 percent of a home's energy loss and improving indoor air quality. Air barriers also extend the life of a home by minimizing the flow of airborne moisture that can breed condensation, mold growth and decay.  Spray foam insulation installed by Eco Tec delivers high-performance solutions for efficient building envelopes, thermal comfort and a healthy living environment - all of which are integral components of green building and design.
This means future savings for homeowners. While enjoying increased comfort and a healthier indoor environment, they can save up to 50% in energy costs each month.

See How Spray Foam Insulation Can Keep Your Home Quieter:

Our spray-foam insulations reduce airborne sound from outside (cars, trucks or wind) as well as indoor sounds (ex. from home theaters and playrooms). They also help control sound from plumbing caused by showers and toilet flushing.  If you live near a busy street or an airport, you know all about airborne sounds - the unwanted noises that can invade your living space, hindering your comfort and enjoyment. Foam insulation is an effective barrier to airborne sounds. Its superior fit makes it an ideal sound proofing system, reducing airborne sound transfer through the roof, floor and walls. Outside noises such as road noise,road traffic, aircraft and trains stay outside. Inside, there are far fewer complaints about next door or next door noises.

Discover How Icynene Spray Foam Insulation is a Healthy Way to Insulate Your House:

Our spray-foam insulations reduce airborne sound from outside (cars, trucks or wind) as well as indoor sounds (ex. from home theaters and playrooms). They also help control sound from plumbing caused by showers and toilet flushing.  Icynene spray foam insulation will minimize pollutants and allergens from entering your home by trapping particles in its continuous air barrier. As an alternative to traditional insulation materials such as pink fiberglass, Icynene and similar spray foam insulation materials offer a tremendous advantage. With no chemical or dust emitted, spray foam insulation eliminates material-related air damage.
